
Library staff can help you locate resources and access library facilities, information services and a range of online support services.

Find out the opening hours, address, and resources, services and facilities at your library: Ask a Librarian or Contact us.

If you cannot make it to the library or you study online, don’t worry – you still have 24/7 access to our large collection of eResources.

TAFE WA libraries provide you with:

  • eResources, including eBooks, eJournals, eVideos, standards and more;
  • books, magazines, DVDs and other resource materials as well as interlibrary loans;
  • course based library subject guides with recommended websites and resources;
  • computers with selected software used in TAFE WA courses;
  • assistance with Wi-Fi access;
  • reference services, information and digital literacy skills workshops and library orientation;
  • personalised face-to-face and online assistance, including specialised services for students studying fully online courses;
  • individual and group study facilities, as well as social spaces;
  • photocopying, printing and scanning services including 3D printing at some locations;

Library Map